Youth Ministry


The mission of Youth and Young Adult Ministry is to embrace and encourage all children (K-5th grade), youth (6th-12th grade) and young adults (18-35 years old) to cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through relevant teaching, worship, witness, and service and strengthen our relationship with each other. Known collectively as YAM, we choose to rise up against the status quo of this world and stand firm on the word of Jesus Christ. Using the Bible as the ultimate guide and standard of authority, it is the mission of the Youth and Young Adult Ministry to support and promote spiritual growth and development as well as knowledge of Christ as Savior among young people.

The EBC Youth and Young Adult Ministry consist of the following ministries: Girl Scouts; Boy Scouts; prayer and bible study; homework center; Sunday School and the Children’s Choir. 

  1. Love youth and young adults where they are physically, spiritually and emotionally;
  2. Encourage members in developing their relationship with God.
  3. Provide opportunities for nurture and growth.

Challenge members to respond to God’s call to serve in Emmanuel and their communities.